Agave is about to conquer the world

get your spirits to germany and conquer the european market

Get all your questions answered

Your bounded warehouse for spirits, liquers and more

01. Your are in good Hands

Ship your Spirits over seas and expect it to be well taken care. At arrival, we take over the import sales tax for you and take care of all the formalities.

02. Safe and economic Storage

While you explore your new market, your goods are insured and accessible at all time in europe and all that for a small monthly fee.

03. Ground Shipping

Once your market is established and you start selling your products, you can count on us to find the best partners to delivery your goods anywhere in Europe.


The bonded warehouse project subscribed by Jiannis Panagou

The official ambassador of Mezcal Jiannis Panagou, nominated by the Consejo Regulador del Mezcal, has decided to support smaller mezcal producers by providing them a mean to enter the European Market without having to find a distributor to their products. This way, small producers are not endangered of having to sell their products for unfarily trade prices and gain an equal chance to share their egregious tradition with the world.

The PULQ tax-warehouse was approved by the German Customs Authority and is an eligible excise-free warehouse, which offers services for spirits and beer from around the world.

Our services

With our partnership, you have the opportunity to place your products on the market. Contact us! Once we are familiar with your plans, we will be able to promote them as well as implement them. Are there any rules? What do I have to consider? Which questions did you not solve yet? We offer answers and a method of solutions.


PULQ bonded tax warehouse is an officially recognised warehouse

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We are happy to organize transports with our partners.

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Once the goods are released for consuption in Germany,

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Whether you wish to send your goods to a

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Our packaging services: Goods are put together according to

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We are a fiscal warehouse dedicated to the storage

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Contact Us!

Do you want to get more information? You can contact us here

    Frequently asked questions

    Every system of taxation is very complicated. That is why tax adviser are very favored.  Consequently, we can only give you a rough overview, but we are not able to make a  mandatory statement. Furthermore, we only correspond to the tax on alcohol. 

    The tax on alcohol is a national tax, meaning that every country within Europe has its own tax  law. The customs duty is responsible for the tax on alcohol, not the finance office. 

    Consequently, ever country wants to have the tax on alcohol which is sold in their own  country. So, the tax is incurred where the alcohol was sold lastly.  

    This means, if you sell spirits in Germany to a private individual within Europe, Germany  obtains the tax on alcohol and the value-added tax, since Germany was the last country the  spirits were sold. 

    If spirits are sold to a company within Europe, the product has to be edited regarding customs  law and law of taxation in this country. At this point, it is recommended to transport the  products firstly to a bonded warehouse at the target location for customs clearance (under  withholding of the alcohol tax) and pay tax on the product at the target location via the  bonded warehouse.  

    The tax rates, for the value-added tax as well as for the tax on alcohol, differ depending on the  country.

    The products are covered by insurance via PULQ GbR during the whole storage time. As soon  as the products are no longer located or are not yet located at our ground of PULQ GbR, for  instance, the products are still located with the haulage service, the products are not covered  by insurance anymore/yet via PULQ.

    If you own a company in Germany or Europe, you are allowed to write the bills for your  customers and you can give us the transfer order afterwards.  

    If you do not own a company in Germany or in Europe, we as PULQ GbR will write the bills  after we buy your products.

    Spirits are taxed with 19% on private clients and industrial establishments, who are not  authorized of input tax reduction.

    For companies who are authorized of input tax reduction, the value-added tax of 19% is not  incurred.  

    The tax on alcohol is also added. 13,03Euros for one liter of pure alcohol. For example, a 700ml  bottle of spirit with an alcohol level of 40%Vol Alc. Makes 3,65Euros 


    So, you want to receive 10,00Euros for your bottle. Firstly, you add tax on alcohol. As in the  example above, this would make 13,65Euros. This prize has to be taxed with 19%. As a result,  the total prize would be 16,24Euros. These calculations are very important in order to  calculate the write selling price. Notice: first calculate the tax on alcohol, then add it to the  wished selling price, before the value-added tax is added afterwards. Everything else would  result in wrong outcomes.

    In times of Covid-19 and the restrictions, which result from it, the possibility of extreme delays  cannot be excluded. Import and export are both possible. Nevertheless, you should be aware  of the fact that a time scheduling is not possible!

    See Recent Work

    Meet our Team

    Jiannis Panagou

    Jiannis Panagou

    Projekt Mezcal in Deutschland

    Telma Gonzaga

    Telma Gonzaga

    Technical Support

    Anke Hipler

    Anke Hipler

    Organisation, taxing, logistics


    What People say about us

    We are thrilled with this oppurtunity given from PULQ. Our fine and magnificent Mezcal, hadn't otherwise had the chance to cross the ocean. We are gratefull for all the support given to us during the burocratic, otherwise complicated, process of entering Europe, made so simple and transparent by PULQ.

    warehouse for alcohol alkohollager steuerlager
    Jose García

    We've been looking forward to expanding our market to Europe, but as small producers we couldn't afford a subsidiary in Europe or find a distributor. With PULQ we got the chance to compete side by side with established brands and still get fair margins. This is called Fair Trade in its true sense.

    warehouse for alcohol alkohollager steuerlager
    Guadalupe Flores
    Sales administrative

    I was given the possibility to work with great and quite unknown Mezcal in Europe. I'm proud to represent such an high quality beverage and be the ambassador of such a great liquid culture of the world. My clients are excited to try different brands that would be otherwise out of reach.

    Louis Goossens, Belgium
    Bar Owner